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AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2016 will take place in Astana during 19-27 May in Barys Arena. More than 400 athletes from 65 countries have applied for participation in the championships so far.

Dear Mass Media Representatives!

We would like to invite all of you to take part and share your stories, articles about World Championships. For that purpose you need to receive accreditation from AIBA International Boxing Association.

Accreditation process for Mass Media Representatives:

1. Download accreditation form below

2. Open received file in Adobe Reader program

3. For editing form choose “Take a signature” in menu “File”

4. Fill out the accreditation form in English language

5. Save the file named as “First name and Last name” which are in the accreditation form

6. Please attach your passport copy or ID and send a completed form to email: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

7. Accreditation confirmation letter will be sent to your e-mail

8. Photography, production and distribution of the accreditation cards will be processed in World Championships accreditation centre. We will inform you about accreditation centre’s location and work hours later.


General sponsors of the World Cup